Posts in January

Grace under Fire – How to Lead in Difficult Times

January 25th, 2016   •   no comments   

Grace is the quality or state of being considerate or thoughtful. In a spiritual context, it also has a connection with a higher power providing assistance.

In these uncertain times, it is more important than ever for leaders to maintain composure in the workplace. Tough times really define the type of leader that you are. As the saying goes, when the going gets tough, the tough get grace. You need to be tough-minded to get things done, however you need to lead with heart and compassion as well. The best way to handle any negative situation is to act with grace.

Here are a few thoughts on what it looks like to lead with grace:

  • Show up each day with courage and commitment to fully lead through the situation. These are the times that employees are watching you the most closely; needing support and encouragement and believing that you can lead them through what happens in a way that demonstrates truth and maintains organizational integrity.
  • If you have to coach a team member, never embarrass the person or talk to them when you are still angry. Anger is a sign that there is a problem and it is not a good way to fix a problem. Employees hear our tone much more than our words.
  • Encourage risk taking and forgive Your employees need to know, that you, as their leader, are with them and for them, not above them and against them.
  • Remember to take a break every once in awhile. Rest as a team, then work as a team. Your employees will realize you care not just about their results, but also about their health and well-being.

C.S. Lewis said “Hardship often prepares an ordinary person for an extraordinary destiny”. In the same way, it is possible for ordinary leaders to become extraordinary by leading with grace through adversity. Be the grace that you want to see in this world. It is your choice.